How much does MOLLY MAID cost?
MOLLY MAID cleaning service is unlike most other domestic cleaning companies because we do not work to an hourly rate. We tailor the service and price to individual needs following a free, no obligation in-home estimate.
To give you an estimate, we organise a no-obligation at home visit to understand your needs, key areas of concern and determine how MOLLY MAID can best help. This means you receive a tailored service that works to your specific needs and budget.
Contact your local MOLLY MAID to get a tailored estimate.
Local businesses serving
their communities
Our local MOLLY MAID branches are family run businesses which is reflected in our maids too.
We don’t work evenings and weekends, so our maids can enjoy time with their families and friends.
Our cleaning fees allow us to pay our fully employed maids a living wage, holiday, and sick pay when they need it, and contributions to their pension. We don’t believe in zero contract hours, because we know that for our teams to be great at what they do, they have to trust that they’ll be looked after if the going gets tough.

What makes MOLLY MAID the UK’s number 1 cleaning company?
MOLLY MAID | Other Cleaning Companies who employ their own staff | Cleaning Agencies using self-employed cleaners | Independent Businesses/Individuals charging £15-£20 per hour | |
Established & Trusted Brand | x | x | ||
Strong Customer Relationship | x | x | x | |
Responsive to Enquiries | x | |||
Good Reviews on Review Sites | x | x | ||
Insurance Cover for Thefts & Damage | x | |||
Own Range of Eco-Friendly Products | x | x | x | |
Reliable, cover for Sick & Holidays | x | x | ||
Provide Good Customer Care | x | |||
Professionally Manage Customer Issues | x | x | ||
Are they a Best Employer? | x | x | x | |
Fully Employed Staff | x | x |
Why choosing MOLLY MAID over a private cleaner?
If you are thinking of hiring a private cleaner, for your protection and peace of mind, consider asking a few questions.
+−Do MOLLY MAID charge per hour?
MOLLY MAID cleaning service is unlike most other domestic cleaning companies because we do not work to an hourly rate; we tailor the service and price to individual needs, following a free, no obligation in-home estimate.
+−What happens at the in-home estimate?
A MOLLY MAID professional will spend time with you in your home, visiting each room that needs to be cleaned. Your specific needs will be detailed with specific attention paid to any areas of concern. At the end of the estimate, we will provide you with a price based on the information you have given to us. All of the information will be captured in writing, and you will be given a copy.
+−How long will the estimate take?
An average home visit to do an estimate usually lasts about 20 to 25 minutes. However, this can vary depending on the size and type of property.
+−How do you determine the price?
We take a number of factors into consideration; for example, what is the size of the property, what cleaning is required and where is the property? The focus is always on offering you value for money whilst ensuring MOLLY MAID home cleaning professionals carry out the clean to your full satisfaction.
+−How much time will you need to clean my home?
The time our professional cleaners need to clean your home will depend on what type of service you require. You could decide you want a regular clean, a one-off clean, or a deep clean – each one will take a different amount of time. Regular cleans: The time it takes to do a regular clean varies on the condition of the house when we arrive. MOLLY MAID would charge an initial price to allow the fully-trained staff to bring the property up to standard; we would then offer a regular price to maintain the clean, depending on the frequency (weekly, alternate weekly, monthly, etc.) One-off cleans: MOLLY MAID will offer a fixed price for a one-off clean. The time it takes to clean your home will depend upon the amount of cleaning you need. Deep Cleans: Performing a deep clean can be time consuming as this type of clean is usually required if the home has not been cleaned for some time.
Contact your local MOLLY MAID to get an estimate
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The benefits of choosing MOLLY MAID
- Your satisfaction is our primary goal
- All of our maids are trained “The MOLLY MAID Way”
- We always provide a substitute team if your regular MOLLY MAIDS are sick or unavailable
- Every MOLLY MAID Franchise is a registered business
- MOLLY MAID franchises enjoy a comprehensive insurance cover and every MOLLY MAID employee is covered too
- We bring our own cleaning equipment and environmentally friendly supplies