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Supporting Franchisees – with real support  

Jonathan Holden, Chief Operating Officer for Molly Maid UK, started his 4th decade in franchising in June 2024 after beginning his franchise journey as a Marketing Assistant with Kall Kwik back in 1994. Having recruited, trained and supported hundreds of Franchisees for different organisations for over 30 years, Holden passionately feels there is one overriding priority for every Franchisor to fully embrace and then live and breathe every day. He shares what he believes is the DNA which underpins his priority of delivering ‘support’ – real support. 
‘Support’ is a simple word, and one commonly proclaimed by every Franchisor in their prospectus, but it’s much more complex to deliver as it goes far deeper than just helping to answer an operational query, or providing a promotional brochure. 
So what is this DNA within Holden’s priority of real Franchisee support? 
Before sharing his experiences on what makes for real support, Holden wants to point out that he’s talking more about the ‘when, why and how’ as opposed to the ‘what’. Any Franchisor, can talk about supporting with a recruitment advert, or a pack of promotional brochures. But it’s understanding ‘when and why’ franchise support is needed – knowing the critical moments, and then fine crafting of ‘how’ it needs to be delivered that’ll help your franchise be market leading in your industry. Throughout all his franchise experience, Holden has placed these following standards at the heart of his and his team’s support every day. 
1)   Organisational understanding of a franchisee’s commitment to you and your brand 

Every franchisee has made a big decision and commitment to join your brand and family. This is a huge change and decision for them to place their livelihoods and future into your hands. Every person in your franchise support team and organisation must keep this front of mind during every interaction, from before they apply and right through every stage of training, launch and development of their business. Once embraced, your team will have a critical understanding of why addressing every next phone call, being efficient with every next email or letter – is so important in your relationship.  
2)Think like a Franchisee – support their true needs and feelings 
From lining up their initial training, helping to set up their business and guiding them through to their growth over the years ahead – you have to put yourself in their shoes. What do you think they are thinking or feeling? With an experienced team, you’ll know the answers and then you can compose your proactive support around this. For example, if a Franchisee has had two resignations – the easy answer might be to send them some recruitment flyers or give them a template for a job advert. But the really important level of support is understanding how they’ll be feeling about coping that week, the frustration at how they’ll not be able to fulfil all the orders or bookings that week. Begin from there, and be sure they know you know how they feel – and your practical help will be to address their concerns as well as their needs.    
3)   Being there 
This emanates from the Seattle Fish Market customer service strategy, ‘FISH’. If you aren’t familiar with this strategy Holden recommends reading it – it’s simple but brilliant. It includes ‘being there’ and being fully focussed on the customer (or Franchisee) in front of you when they need you, and not being distracted by anything else at that moment. Equally, when it can often be easier to support successful and growing Franchisees to continue their positive performance, it’s also applies to being there with our support for Franchisees with challenges and most in need of our help, by fully listening, understanding or by inviting them for a personal meeting to your offices. 
4)   Sincerity 
If you’ve mastered the DNA ingredients of ‘thinking like a franchisee’ and ‘being there’ then you’re well on your way, as it will be easier and more natural to be sincere, as you’ve put yourself in their place, and are thinking about why your support is so important. Sincerity can’t be faked – it has to be part of your leadership team’s DNA and then others in your team will see and learn why and how being totally sincere is vital. Remember they’re entrusting their futures in you and your brand, so just like a marriage, so you have to be genuine and consistent to demonstrate you understand and truly care.   

For more information about new and resale opportunities at Molly Maid, contact Aaron Watson, Director of Franchise Development, by email or by phone 01628 583765.