Molly Maid Partners with Meta/Facebook for New Franchisee Portal
Molly Maid, the UK’s most recognised brand and leading company in the booming housecleaning industry, has recently partnered with Meta (previously Facebook) to provide its Franchisees with a new and more engaging way to connect with each other.
Molly Maid, the UK’s most recognised brand and leading company in the booming housecleaning industry, has recently partnered with Meta (previously Facebook) to provide its Franchisees with a new and more engaging way to connect with each other. Workplace is based on the same technology that connects over 3 billion people on Facebook and for Molly Maid, was the perfect solution to help the organisation capitalise on the huge demand in housecleaning cleaning services coming out of the pandemic.
Jonathan Holden, Chief Operating Officer for Molly Maid UK said that demand for cleaning services has almost doubled from pre-pandemic levels, leading to record growth in the first few months of 2022. “It’s unlike anything that we have seen in our 40-year history and we wanted a solution that would allow us to better help Franchisees take advantage of this incredibly strong environment.”
Molly Maid has become a household name in the United Kingdom, as well as in Canada and the United States, in part because of their focus on helping Franchisees grow successful businesses. The company is consistently the highest ranked Franchise in the domestic cleaning industry, including a top 15 ranking in the Elite Franchise 100, a 5-Star Franchisee Satisfaction Award recipient and a finalist in the BFA-HSBC Franchise awards numerous times over the years, including most recently in 2021. Holden says that this culture of caring for and helping Franchisees was central in their decision to provide a leading platform like Workplace to help take the company’s support to an even higher level.
“We wanted a solution that was easy to use, allowing us to share more information with Franchisees more quickly, and something that would grow with us and Workplace ticked all of the boxes.” The company launched Workplace in January 2022 and very quickly it has become an important tool in its award-winning support systems. One of the benefits that Franchisees have reported is having all of the company’s communication and up-to-date business recommendations accessible from anywhere – whether they are at the office, on the road visiting customers and staff, or at home. Throughout the past two years Molly Maid has made many improvements under its trademarked HomeSafe cleaning system and being able to instantly access these from a smartphone has helped Franchisees stay on top of updated guidance. The company also has ambitious plans to connect its hundreds of cleaners too. “It’s never been as important to connect and engage with all of our people and we are excited to see how much Workplace can help us and Franchisees to do this.” Plans include new training materials and videos for cleaning staff to help them deliver better service to the thousands of customers they serve each month.
Molly Maid joins a list of growing industry leading brands like Nestle, Virgin Atlantic, Starbucks and BT who have chosen Workplace to bring their teams together. Holden adds, “Being an industry leader like these brands means you need to choose industry leading solutions which was another important factor in our decision.”
Caroline Watkin, Co-founder, 300 Communications Consultants who provided support to Molly Maid to design and mould Workplace to their precise needs said “Molly Maid launched Workplace from Meta with the aim of better supporting Franchisees and creating a closer-knit community where everyone has a voice. They focused on making communications as friction free as possible, so that Franchisees could quickly engage with their Support Office team and easily connect with each other.”
Workplace now becomes part of the technology solutions the company uses to help its Franchisees manage their business. They also recently replaced their lead management software which has been instrumental in helping them to better manage the approximate 80,000 requests from new customers wanting their services in 2021. It’s a level of demand that surprises even some of their most experienced Franchisees, some of whom have been with Molly Maid for more than 30 years.
“What the past two years have really shown”, adds Holden, “is that if you truly help your Franchisees to better manage their business and invest in tools that do this, whether its new technology, new processes or trademarks like HomeSafe, you really can achieve anything.” It’s an ethos that shows why the company continues to lead the booming housecleaning industry.
For more information about new and resale opportunities at Molly Maid, contact Aaron Watson, Director of Franchise Development, by email awatson@mollymaid.co.uk or by phone 01628 583765.