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Get in touchMental Health Awareness Week
Janice, our Senior Business Advisor and a certified Reiki Master & Cognitive Hypnotherapist shares her thoughts during Mental Health Awareness Week.
Week 8 of lockdown and although there is a little bit more freedom we all still need to take sensible steps to keep safe. This change to our lifestyle can have a profound effect on our mental health and can be even harder for those who already suffer. From speaking to people during this time, Anxiety for many is the biggest hurdle to overcome. There is no ‘one size fits all’ fix and we all need to find our own ways of coping but some of the things others have shared with me, which help them are:
- Acknowledging the anxiety – the first step to coping with it and probably the hardest thing to do.
- Talk to someone – a friend, family member or turn to one of the many organisation helplines who have years of experience in talking through this type of issue
- Keep your mind busy – is it time to learn a new skill, write that book you’ve always wanted to write, paint or draw (you don’t have to be good at it – just watch Graysons Art Club for inspiration)
- If you can keep physically busy. Tackle the to do list – we all have jobs we have put off because we don’t have time – now we do. Could be painting the house, weeding the garden, clearing out the cupboards – if you check back on recent Molly Maid blogs there are many tips and advice
- If you are lucky enough to have a garden or an open space you can get to – spend time just connecting with nature, taking in the beauty of the plants and animals that are all around us. If you can’t get outside can you bring nature into your home – perhaps easy to care for houseplants, bird feeders that can be attached to the windows
- Restrict what you read and watch. There is so much bad news on the TV or social media and most of it is not based on anything other than someones opinion.
- Accentuate the positive – think about all the wonderful people there are in the World – all the good news stories (the frontline staff, Colonel Tom, your own friends and family)
Easy to say I know, but try and find your own way of coping – but don’t feel you have to do it on your own.
Remember – this too will pass