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Get in touchSpring Cleaning: Beating bacteria in the home!
- Part Two: More top tips for keeping bacteria to a minimum around the rest of our home including the garden.
Snug or family room – Germs hang out where you do, especially spots everyone touches like telephones, coffee tables and TV remotes. Use disinfectant wipes or white spirit (for the remotes) to clean them. Use a damp microfiber cloth to gently wipe dust from your flat screen TV. Vacuum crumbs and clean spills that happen straight away, so bacteria doesn’t grow in your carpets and furniture.
Toys – Clean hard or plastic toys by washing them and storing them once they’re clean and dry. If durable enough, then you can always consider using the dishwasher to wash the toys on a warm cycle. Some soft toys can be cleaned in the washing machine, but check the labels first. All toys and equipment should be added to a regular cleaning rota.
Clean Knobs and Railings – Bacteria can spread quickly on doorknobs, cabinet handles, railings, taps, light switches and lamps. In fact, anything that your hands may come in contact with! Make sure you wipe these surfaces with disinfectant cleaner and this should be done more often if a family member is ill.
Laundry – Wash your hands after handling dirty laundry. To prevent the spread of germs, all underwear, towels and household linen should be washed at 60C or at 40C with a bleach-based, or bio, laundry product.
Run the washing machine on empty once a week, either at a high temperature or with a chemical disinfectant to prevent the growth of germs and try not to leave wet washing in the machine as this will only serve to encourage the growth of germs.
Pets and other animals – Keep pet food separate from human food, use separate utensils for feeding and use separate bowls for food and water. Ensure that you clean these regularly as germs will reproduce very quickly in these environments. It is a good idea to keep your furry friend’s bed clean too and to give the pet a bath from time to time. Ensure you clear up your pet’s faeces promptly in the garden to ensure that it doesn’t seep into the soil.
Trampolines – We wouldn’t think these are amongst the worst offenders when it comes to harbouring bacteria, but they are. Think about it – how many different hands and feet have climbed all over it, sneezing, eating and carrying bacteria on the feet onto the trampoline. A good jet wash with soapy water will help keep bacteria to a minimum and while you’re at it, hose down any balls that have been kicked around the garden. However, here’s nothing like good old hand-washing after playing outside to beating bacteria in the home.
Bikes – As these tend to be pedalled on most surfaces, these too carry germs not only on the handles as these are rarely washed, but also on the wheels. Remember to wash the handles, as well as, the wheels when you have the hose out.
Sandboxes – Children love playing in the sand, but so do other animals, insects and parasites if allowed to. When not in use, remember to cover the sandbox to prevent animals from using it as a litter tray and allow the sand to thoroughly dry if it is wet – this is what bacteria love! Remove any debris that may find its way into the sandbox and rake through regularly.
Soil – Some soil will contain poisonous substances and you never know what rodents have defecated in them, so wash your hands after gardening and keep open wounds and cuts covered.
Enjoy the outdoors and remember to wash your hands and keep on top of your Spring Cleaning to beat the bacteria in your home.