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Get in touchHow to find a hobby to fit you
Having a hobby is a great way to relieve stress by giving us the opportunity to take a break from our usual routines. They can offer you new positive challenges and unite you with other people with the same interests. In fact, there are a lot of reasons why hobbies are good for you!
However, choosing a new hobby can be difficult. Here are some tips from MOLLY MAID, the domestic cleaning experts, for finding an interest that fits your personality and interests.
Find things you’ve enjoyed in the past
Are there things you enjoyed growing up that you might still enjoy as an adult? Perhaps you had an extensive music collection, loved to sew clothes for your dolls or were always out on your bike? Those are all things you could pick up again as an adult that would make great hobbies.
Or there may be hobbies in your home right now that you started, but have neglected. Maybe it’s time to finish that knitting project or pick up the guitar again?
Look for inspiration
If something from your past doesn’t immediately jump out at you, it might be useful to hit the crafts store, the sport shop, the book shop or library. Browse around and see what captures your attention. Maybe you find yourself drawn to the cookbooks. This might help you uncover what you might be interested in.
Start small
If you’re adding a new thing into your life, you have to take time and focus away from something else. The good news is that most of us have a lot of time we’re not using well, either because we’re spending a lot of time online or watching TV!
See if you can carve out 30 minutes every other day to explore your interest. If there’s a way to start small, such as buying a craft kit instead of a ton of supplies, that would be best in case you find that hobby isn’t for you after all.
Finding something that fits
Everyone is different and your personality does play a role in what sorts of hobbies you’ll like. For example, if you don’t have a lot of patience, a hobby such as quilting might not be right for you. Perhaps quick sewing projects might be a better choice.
Think about how you like to enjoy your time too – if you’re a social person you might think about taking a class or starting a group. If you travel a lot you might want a portable hobby you can do anywhere.
Keeping trying!
The truth is you may not find the perfect hobby for you on your first go, but you can have a lot of fun trying out new things! Do some web searches, visit the library, don’t be afraid to try new things, and soon you’ll have a hobby that provides you with a lot of fun and stress relief.
Still not sure? Here are some ideas for hobbies you could start right now!
£100 or Less
- Hiking – All you need is the great outdoors. It’s important to invest in some hiking boots that are fitted correctly so that you can avoid blisters and other foot problems. You can spend less than £100 for a nice pair of hiking boots.
- Blogging – Blogging is a popular hobby that could even transform into part-time income. Sites like WordPress have free hosting and support. Plus it’s completely free to market your blog on social media and make new friends at the same time.
- Reading – Reading is such an easy (and often free!) hobby. Whether you love the newspaper or your e-reader, this is quite possibly the best hobby for improving your brain. Reading can actually be 100% free if you utilise your local library.
£200 or Less
- Tennis – Tennis is one of those sports that can either be very inexpensive or very costly. If you just want to hit a ball with a friend, all you need to do is purchase a racket and tennis balls. However, if you really, truly want to make this a hobby for the long term, investing in some instruction and membership to a club is a wise idea.
- Scrapbooking – Anyone who loves scrapbooking can tell you that it can get costly. However, with a little self-control, you can make beautiful scrapbooks for your friends and family for under £200 a year. Remember to search for supplies on places like eBay and resell the ones you aren’t using to get back some of your investment.
- Guitar – If you’ve always wanted to learn a musical instrument, the guitar is a great place to start. You can often purchase a used guitar to practice on until you gain enough confidence to invest in a more expensive piece. Ask your friends for lessons or search YouTube for great, free tutorials.
£300 or Less
- Cooking – There are plenty of free recipes online but it can get expensive buying all the ingredients and necessary equipment, although the appreciation from friends and family members is well worth it!
- Ballroom Dancing – Ever since Strictly Come Dancing came out over a decade ago, ballroom dancing has surged in popularity again. All you need to do is sign up for a class and grab a partner. Most large studios even host dance nights where you can practice your skills, making for a very fun night out.
- Sewing –The biggest expense when starting to sew will be the machine. While you may be tempted to buy all the supplies you will need at once, just build your collection slowly as you add on new skills. This approach will help keep sewing affordable and fun. You may even be able to pick up a second hand one online.
There are so many great, inexpensive hobbies that you can take up to fill your spare time or learn something new. Remember, hobbies don’t have to be expensive to be fun! With just a little bit of monetary investment, you can learn a life-changing skill and make new friends along the way.
Have fun!